The department of Food Business Management is included in newly designed syllabus of B. Tech (Food Technology) according to the suggestion of V Dean’s Committee. The objective behind this addition is to make sure that along with theoretical knowledge of Food Science and Technology, students should well acquainted with business management concepts and co-operative skills. The department make the student confident in corporate jobs, Establishment of small scale business, Marketing and Finance. Keeping this broad vision in view FBM department have Nine different courses distributed among 6 semesters such as Computer Programming and Data Structure, Information and Communication Technology, ICT Application in Food Industry, Entrepreneurship Development, Business Management and Economics, Food Laws and Regulations, Project Preparation and Management, Marketing Management and International Trade and Communication Skills and Personality Development. Through those courses: Process of Communication and communication skill, Personality development, Entrepreneurial behaviour, Stage daring, Public speaking among students can be buildup. The base of Food Laws & Regulations is made concrete. Through seminar student’s stage daring, Public speaking, Self confidence and Personality development skills are developed and finished well.
K.K.Wagh College of Food Technology,
Saraswati nagar, Panchavati,
Nashik - 422 003.
Ph: (0253) 2555281, 2555284
Email:[email protected]